Hypnosis Workshop Feedback Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Thank you for taking time to fill out this feedback form for Fundamentals of Clinical Hypnosis, taught by Katy David, LPC-S. Your feedback will be anonymous, unless you prefer to include your name here on this line. (OPTIONAL) The content of this course was: *Different than expected, in a disappointing way.Exactly as expected.Better than expected.After completion of this workshop: *I am no longer interested in using clinical hypnosis.I plan on using clinical hypnosis occasionally with certain clients.I plan on using clinical hypnosis regularly in my practice.As far as continuing my education in clinical hypnosis, *I may just stop here and utilize the fundamentals.I plan on taking a Level 2 ASCH Workshop within the next 2 years.I plan on becoming ASCH-certified in Clinical Hypnosis.The course material was relevant to my field and interests. Selected Value: 0 The course material was presented in a way that made learning fun, interesting, or engaging. Selected Value: 0 The instructor demonstrated mastery and expertise of the course content. Selected Value: 0 There was ample time provided for questions that I needed or wanted to ask. Selected Value: 0 The learning environment was supportive. Selected Value: 0 The coursework was presented in a way that worked for my learning style(s). Selected Value: 0 I felt ready to utilize hypnosis in my practice after this workshop. Selected Value: 0 My therapeutic skills were improved as a result of taking this workshop. Selected Value: 0 I understand the steps of clinical hypnosis and how to utilize them with my clients after completing this workshop. Selected Value: 0 don't learning I felt inspired to begin using clinical hypnosis after this workshop. Selected Value: 0 I would recommend to my colleagues that they take this workshop. Selected Value: 0 I consider clinical hypnosis a valuable and effective treatment modality. Selected Value: 0 Would you be willing to leave a testimonial that may be used to market future hypnosis workshops by this instructor? If so, please leave your testimonial here. If you include your first and/or last name (or initials) within this testimonial box, it will be included with your testimonial exactly as you type it. If you choose to remain anonymous either to the public or to you instructor, please don't leave your name here in this text box. The goal of this survey is to make this course as engaging and effective as possible. Do you have any additional feedback you'd like to leave the instructor? Submit