First Steps

Congratulations on deciding to start therapy! We firmly believe the world would be a better place if every single person had a good therapist and the engagement in therapy became mainstream, just like regular physical checkups with your doctor.
The hardest part of therapy is sometimes deciding to go, and then it’s finding a therapist. We think finding a therapist should be easy! At Bloom Therapy, we do our best to quickly determine whether or not we have the skills to help you reach your wellness goals. If none of our available therapists are the right fit for you, we do our best to offer helpful referrals.
- If finances are a major component of your decision, we recommend first starting with the Insurance Research Tool, and reading the content on that page, to confirm if our practice is a good fit for your needs. Understanding your insurance benefits first will help you clarify which of our therapists are within your budget. Many of our clients are surprised to discover they can afford any therapist they prefer!
- After understanding how much of your therapy your insurance will pay for, next consult our Therapist Rate Page. Taking your insurance benefits into account, note which rates are within your affordability.
- If finances are in alignment, you can either fill out our New Client Interest Form and/or browse our therapist profiles to see who feels like a good fit. If our Insurance Calculator doesn’t work for your plan, or you don’t understand the results, feel free and either fill out the New Client Interest Form, including your insurance questions, or reach out to our Client Care Coordinator via phone or email.
- If you filled out the New Client Interest Form, we’ll determine your best therapeutic match based on your form answers, and our recommended therapist will reach out to you within 48 business hours. If we need additional time to find your best match, our administrative team will reach out to you within 48 business hours to ask any additional questions we have about your insurance or your therapy needs. If you have browsed our therapist profiles and there is a therapist you are interested in working with, feel free to reach out directly with them and schedule a free consultation on your own.
- If both you and the therapist agree it is a match, you can schedule your first session during the free consult. Your therapist will take it from there. If it’s not quite right, they may be able to offer you referrals and resources, either from within or outside of Bloom Therapy.
- Once an appointment is scheduled, you will be invited via email to complete your new client paperwork online via our easy and secure online portal. Simply complete your paperwork at least 24 hours before your first session.
- Show up to your appointment on time; aim to be there a little early if meeting in person. We offer complementary water, coffee, and tea in both buildings. There are restrooms in both buildings. If you subscribe to appointment alerts, your building location will be in your appointment alert (text or email).
- You do not need to prepare for your first session, other than completing your paperwork and showing up on time. It is your therapist’s job to be the leader and guide the session flow. Generally speaking, the first session is a time for your therapist to thoroughly understand your life, problems and goals, and for the two of you to collaborate together on a shared vision of what you are there to accomplish. Your therapist will recommend a treatment plan to help you reach your goals, which generally begins with weekly therapy, then tapers to biweekly, then monthly until completion. They may assign you homework to complete before your second session.